Documentation and FAQ


How do I submit an event that I wish to be posted to the calendar?
Submit an event => Use User-ID: guest, Password: guest

Can my event be in more than one category?
No, not at this time.

Will I be notified when my event is accepted for display?
Not at this time, you will only be notified by e-mail if your event is rejected.

Do I have to forward all events in my calendar to the main events calendar?
No, you can choose which events to be forwarded on an event by event basis. The main calendar is for events that have a major audience or importance within the MSU community.

Can I create a default filter for my view?
Yes, your filter is saved as a cookie and stays in effect until you modify it.

Can I use different categories on my calendar?
Yes, you can select your own categories. However, before forwarding an event to the main calendar you must select a valid main calendar category.

Do I have to get a calendar in order to submit an event?
No, you can submit an event through the Submit an Event button.

I would really like to have a link to the main events calendar on my web site/page, how can I do that?
You can create a link to

I bookmarked an event within my calendar and when I clicked on the bookmark I viewed the event within the main events calendar, why?
This is the way the web currently works with our calendar. This will be fixed in a future version.

Is training available?
Yes, LCTTP provides training.

All Users Instructions

Using the calendar

When you first start the calendar by entering into your favorite browser you are presented with an abbreviated list of today's MSU events. You may click on the Week link to views events for this week, or click on the Month link to view events for this month. You can also use the mini calendar on the left to select any day for this month, any week for this month or to change the month. You may also click on the Previous (Day, Week, Month) or Next (Day, Week, Month) link at the top of the list to change your view. To view more events for today or this week, click on Search and select the ALL calendars box.

The Filter link on the top right will allow you to restrict your view to only those events that match your filter criteria of checked boxes. Your filter is kept as a cookie on your local computer and will be remembered the next time you access the calendar. (Remember: Categories are different for each sub-calendar)

The Search link at the top will allow you to search a calendar by keyword(s). The keyword(s) will be matched if found in the title, description or location of the event. You can change the start and end dates. The Main calendar allows you to check the box to search ALL calendars to show more events. (Note, if you have a Filter set this option is suppressed) I.E. with no Filter set and the Search ALL box checked, and no keyword entered, you will view all events on campus for the next week.

The About Events Calendar link on the left will display our guidelines and policies and provide you with a link to Submit an Event and this documentation.

The Other Event Calendars link on the left will display a list of all public calendars within the events calendar system. Clicking on a calendar will display that calendars events.

The Campus Maps link will help you locate where the event is and how to get there.

The Update link on the left is used by calendar administrators and sponsors for maintaining event calendars and creating events, and requires an authorized ID and password.

Update - Authorized IDs Instructions

You must be viewing your calendar to update it, so before clicking on Update click on Other MSU Calendars and select the calendar you want to administrate.

Anyone can Submit an Event using id=guest and password=guest on the Main Calendar.

Enter your MSU NetID and event password. (When LDAP authorization is implemented you will use your MSU NetID password) (Remember to change your password on the first login)

If you are an administrator or sponsor for more than one calendar, you must select the proper calendar.

Until LDAP authentication is implemented, you must e-mail a main calendar administrator, all of the MSU NetIDs you need as a User/Sponsor/Administrator for your calendar. They will enter these IDs into the Events system and create an initial password.

New calendar administrators and users should change their password on first logon.

Add New Event

  • Date ? this is the date the event takes place. It can be a one-time date, or you can set a variety of recurring date options (Events with a large recurrence may not show on all views).
  • Time ? the time the event occurs. You can check the All Day Event box, or the TBA (to be determined later), or enter the starting time and an optional ending time
  • Category ? select which category best fits your event. Currently you can only select one category. For your own calendar you create the categories. When submitting an event from your calendar to the Main Events calendar, you must assign the event to the appropriate Main Event category.
  • Title ? this is what is shown in all calendar views to the public and can be up to 100 characters in length.
  • Description ? use this to fully describe your event and denote any special information about it. This is not shown on the monthly view, only the title is displayed there.
  • Location ? where your event is held. Be sure to include full address and or room identification. Please use proper spelling of university buildings and grounds.
  • Price ? indicate any costs to attendees.
  • Contact Name ? name of person people can contact for more information.
  • Contact Phone ? phone number of Contact.
  • Contact e-mail ? e-mail address of Contact.
  • Event page web address ? enter the full URL where the event is described.
  • Sponsor ? the full name of the unit, organization or individual sponsoring this event.
  • Displayed Sponsor name ? enter the name you want viewers to see as the sponsor.
  • Sponsor page web address ? enter the full URL for this sponsor.
  • [ ] Also display this event on the MSU Events Calendar
    and assign it to this category : Check this box if you want this event shown in the main calendar and select the proper main event category.
  • <Preview Event> click on this to view the event where you can choose to edit the event or send it on for approval. Click <Cancel> to discard this event and return to the previous menu.

Calendar Administrator

On first login, set up your calendar categories (remember, when submitting to the MSU Events Calendar, you must identify a proper MSU Events category), Update Calendar Title, Header, Footer, colors, Templates, set homepage address (URL) and e-mail address. Check box if you want each new event to be defaulted to MSU Events. Uncheck box if you do not want your calendar to be displayed in the Other Calendars list. (this option will also exclude your calendar from the Search All calendars option)

Main Calendar Administrator

Manage Users, add new, enter MSU NetID, password abcd1234 (advise user to change asap) enter user's e-mail address (

Manage Calendars / Add New - provide Name (use MSU unit or organization name) for calendar and enter MSU NetID(s) for person(s) who are administrator(s) for their calendar. Check box for ?By default?? if calendar is to be displayed in Other MSU Calendars list. Test administrator password for this calendar, do an Update and enter e-mail address for calendar (administrator.)

Possible Future Features

  • Improved authorization scheme (LDAP) (better authorization hierarchy and a trusted user (no approval required))
  • Auto convert of sub calendar categories into main calendar category
  • Allow multiple categories per event
  • Improved security options
  • Add a Rotating Spotlight event(s) at top of page
  • Allow better use of images
  • Auto detect of duplicate entries
  • Newer and better RSS/XML input/output
  • Events that occur for a long time should be displayed at the bottom (include all day events at bottom?)
  • Weekly grid option that lines up events by time across the days of week
  • Date Change / Cancel option where original date/time event remains in calendar and points to new date/time or says *** CANCELLED ***
  • Improved Search options (date range, by Category,...)
  • Better reports including search log statistics

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