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French for Pre-teens  (Public Programs)

Our weekly language classes focus on developing speaking and listening skills and introduces students to various aspects of the target culture and country/countries where the language is spoken.

Multiple-child/-program discounts are available (10%). To qualify, registrations must be on the same transaction. Need-based scholarships are available as well. Please contact our office for more information.

Classes will be cancelled if fewer than five students enroll. All classes meet in Wells Hall.

French for Pre-teens meets on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 p.m., starting Jan. 22 and running for 10 weeks through April 16, 2019. There will be no class meetings during MSU's Spring Break (March 4-8) and area schools' Spring Breaks (March 25 - April 5).

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Location: Wells Hall
Sponsor: public
Contact: CeLTA Language School
email pic
phone pic (517) 355-7587