11:00am Broad Wellness: Yoga Public Programs
7:00pm German (beginners) Public Programs
12:00pm MakeCentral Knit In! Special Events
4:00pm The Hallowed Grounds: Race, Slavery and Memory Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
5:30pm Speaker Series for Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
6:30pm French (beginners) Public Programs
6:30pm French (advanced) Public Programs
7:00pm Italian (beginners) Public Programs
7:00pm Hungarian (beginners) Public Programs
7:00pm Festival of Listening Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
10:00am Bookworms at the Broad: Duck! Rabbit! Public Programs
12:00pm Should We Be Reaching for Immortality? Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
12:00pm Understanding how Clinicians Simplify their Speech when Talking to Children with Language Delays Academic
3:00pm Prepare Your Data for Upload to a General Repository Academic
4:30pm Patrick J. Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed, Lecture Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
6:30pm Women and the Nation of Islam Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
7:00pm OSPMR Presents Dr. Wilcox Student Events
7:30pm The Promise of Patriarchy: Women and the Nation of Islam Academic
Cities of the Arab World: Theory, Investigation and Critique - 2 Day Event Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
7:30am Peru Outreach Bake Sale Fundraiser Student Events
12:00pm Eye on Africa: Cal Biruk Academic
3:00pm Therapy Dog Thursdays Special Events
6:00pm Studio (in)Process Public Programs
6:30pm Spanish (beginners) Public Programs
7:00pm Library Film Screening: In the Last Days of the City Movie / Film
5:15pm Student Osteopathic Surgical Association Specialist Panel Student Events
6:00pm Field Station: Johanna Unzueta Opening Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
11:30pm Special Collections Friday Pop-Up: The Creative Mind of Jenna Rodriguez Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
9:00am Graduate Academic Conference Academic