MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry, An African American Quilt Scholar Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Heritage Gallery) This exhibition is an attempt to understand the work of Cuesta Benberry, one of America's important collector/scholars, through interacting ... |
Dear Mr. Mandela, Dear Mrs. Parks: Children's Letters, Global Lessons Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Main Gallery) Michigan State University and the MSU Museum, in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Museum and the Keeper of the Word Foundation, helped ci... |
"Avelution" Birds in the Development of Darwin's Theory of Evolution Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - West Gallery) Naturalist Charles Darwin was strongly influenced by avian examples while he was developing the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Bi... |
Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry A Symposium on Using Quilt History Collections Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (MSU Museum) Michigan State University Museum announces a major event this fall: "Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry and a Symposium on... |
10:00am | Alumni Violin Festival - Master Classes Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Hart Recital Hall) Featuring students of Walter Verdehr |
12:00pm | Alumni Violin Festival - Seunghee Lee, violin, and Ernest Salem, violin Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Hart Recital Hall) Featuring students of Walter Verdehr | ||||
1:30pm | Alumni Violin Festival - Master Classes Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Hart Recital Hall) Featuring students of Walter Verdehr |
2:00pm | Seventh Annual Clarinet Spectacular- From Classical to Klemzmer Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Music Building ) Join MSU clarinet professors Caroline Hartig and | ||||
2:30pm | Sky Tellers Public Programs (Abrams Planetarium) Sky Tellers explains why the North Star stands still and what causes shooting stars by first using Native American stories and then giving m... |
3:00pm | The Atlantic Ensemble Chamber Group Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Music Building Auditorium) Part of the Alumni Violin Festival | ||||
4:00pm | How to Build a Planet Public Programs (Abrams Planetarium) Explore the celestial and geologic forces that shaped the Earth and allowed for the creation of life. Learn the recipe that made Earth diff... |
5:30pm | The Alliance of Queer & Ally Students Student Events (ASMSU Conference Room) The Alliance of Queer & Ally Students has existed at Michigan State University for over 40 years, as the LBGT voice in student government. T... |
6:00pm | Alumni Violin Festival - Dan Rizner, violin, and the DePauw University Piano Trio Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Hart Recital Hall) Featuring students of Walter Verdehr | ||||
7:00pm | Campus Center Cinemas Student Events (See Description) Grown Ups Sunday Conrad Auditorium 7:00 P.M. & 9:15 P.M. The Kids Are All Right Sunday Wilson Aud... |
7:30pm | Richie Hawley, clarinet Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Music Building Auditorium) more about Richie Hawley |