MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry, An African American Quilt Scholar Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Heritage Gallery) This exhibition is an attempt to understand the work of Cuesta Benberry, one of America's important collector/scholars, through interacting ... |
Dear Mr. Mandela, Dear Mrs. Parks: Children's Letters, Global Lessons Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Main Gallery) Michigan State University and the MSU Museum, in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Museum and the Keeper of the Word Foundation, helped ci... |
Bring a Friend Month Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (MSU Community Music School) The MSU Community Music School has always offered classes, lessons and ensembles you enjoy. Now you can share your favorite CMS experiences ... |
8:00am | Art & Art History 5x2 Exhibition Series: Tomo Kobayashi Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Kresge Art Center - Gallery 101) Part of the 5x2 Exhibition Series, second year MFA in Ceramics student Tomo Kobayashi will present her creative research in a two-week solo ... |
8:30am | Construction Junction Public Programs (118 Eppley Center) Construction Junctions are the MSU Physical Plant Division's way of providing regular opportunities for dialogue and engagement, in support ... |
8:30am | World Usability Day 2010 Public Programs (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center) Michigan State University's Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting (UARC) will host Michigan's 6th annual World Usability Day event... |
11:30am | Biochemistry Colloquium Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (101 Biochemistry) Dr. Susan Wang from Washington State University |
12:00pm | Class of 2013 E-board Meeting Student Events (EL E111, DMC G031 MUC 117-6) Class of 2013 E-board meeting via Skype |
12:15pm | "Our Daily Work / Our Daily Lives" Brown Bag Public Programs (MSU Museum Auditorium) This week's presentation,"'We're Made of Muscle and Blood': Mineworkers of Clifton-Morenci, Arizona and Kimberley, South Africa, 1880-1910,"... |
12:30pm | Neuroscience Program Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (1425 BPS) |
12:30pm | Brown Bag Series: Agrifood Biosensors Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Olds Hall, Room 109) Discussants: Lawrence Busch, Monica List, John Stone, Paul Thompson, Kyle Whyte - UNDERSTANDING THE SOCIAL & ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF NANO... |
4:00pm | Enhancing Analysis of Genome Wide Association Studies with Gene Ontology Gene Sets Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (E4 Fee Hall (in basement)) Epidemiology Seminar presented by guest speaker Daniel J. Schaid, Ph.D., Professor in Biostatistics, College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic |
4:10pm | Department of Chemistry Colloquium Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry) Professor Jenny J. Yang, Georgia State University, will be presenting a Chemistry Colloquium titled "Modulating Calcium Signaling and Molecu... |
5:00pm | Marathon of Majors Student Events (Bessey Hall, first floor classroom wing) |
5:00pm | Wallace Conservation Laboratory Tour Special Events (Wallace Conservation Laboratory, Giltner Hall, Room 17) Conservator Eric Alstrom will be your guide for a behind-the-scenes tour of the MSU Libraries' Wallace Conservation Lab. Learn how rare and... |
6:00pm | Gallery Talk: The Power of Design with Professor Sally Helvenston Gray, Apparel & Textile Design Special Events (Perspectives Gallery, Kresge Art Museum) Guest curator Sally Helvenston Gray discusses the symbolism of Chinese Q'ing Dynasty textiles, costumes, and costume accessories. These art... |
7:00pm | Library Film Series - Salt of the Earth Movie / Film (MSU Main Library, N. Conference Room (W449)) Salt of the Earth tells the history of the 1951 strike against Empire Zinc by Mexican-American mineworkers. This story of the labor movemen... |
7:30pm | Schumann Celebration Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Music Building Auditorium) A 200th anniversary tribute to Schumann including some of his most beloved works such as Kinderszenen, Opus 15 (Scenes from Childhood) an... |
8:00pm | Cosmic Bowling & Billiards Student Events (MSU Union) Spartan Lanes & U-Cue Bring your floor or bring a friend and get your game on! |
8:00pm | Transaction Student Events Transaction is a support/social group for Transgendered, Intersex, Genderqueer students and their allies. If you are interested in attendi... |