MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry, An African American Quilt Scholar Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Heritage Gallery) This exhibition is an attempt to understand the work of Cuesta Benberry, one of America's important collector/scholars, through interacting ... |
Dear Mr. Mandela, Dear Mrs. Parks: Children's Letters, Global Lessons Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Main Gallery) Michigan State University and the MSU Museum, in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Museum and the Keeper of the Word Foundation, helped ci... |
Bring a Friend Month Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (MSU Community Music School) The MSU Community Music School has always offered classes, lessons and ensembles you enjoy. Now you can share your favorite CMS experiences ... |
10:00am | Rock Workshop Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (MSU Community Music School) Students improve technique on guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, or vocals and learn about creating, performing in and promoting their own rock ... |
1:00pm | Creative Kids: Patterns and Designs Special Events (Kresge Art Museum) Youth ages 6-12 will tour the current textile exhibitions and then using paint and cloth will create their own series of patterns and design... |
5:00pm | The African Student Union Gala: Love and Futbol International Events (Study Abroad, ...) (MacDonald Middle School) The African Student Union will be hosting its annual African Culture Week from November 5th to November 13th. The main goal of the Africa... |
5:00pm | Indonesian Cultural Night 2010 International Events (Study Abroad, ...) (Hannah Community Center (Tentative)) Indonesian Night is the biggest cultural event held by Indonesian Student Association (PERMIAS) at MSU. The purpose of this event is to p... |
8:00pm | Symphony Orchestra Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 955 Alton Road, East Lansing) Guest Artist Suren Bagratuni, cello Verdi - Overture to Nabucco Schumann - Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra | |
8:00pm | How to Build a Planet Public Programs (Abrams Planetarium) Explore the celestial and geologic forces that shaped the Earth and allowed for the creation of life. Learn the recipe that made Earth diff... |