MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Mask: Secrets and Revelations Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum- Main Gallery) Mask: Secrets and Revelations is a multi-themed exploration of what masks can hide and what they can reveal. The exhibit places a significa... |
Evolutionary Artifacts Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum -Heritage Gallery) Evolutionary Artifacts is an interactive multimedia installation by Michigan State University Professor and Artist James L. Lawton that make... |
12:00pm | Noontimes Concert Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Union Square Food Court) Noontimes Concert featuring Adrian Sanchez 12:00-1:00p.m. in Union Square Food Court Join us while you eat lunch, study or take a break to ... |
3:00pm | Above the Boards Session 5: Genitourinary System Student Events (EL E105, DMC G030, MUC UC3 208) Description of Event: Year 1 content revolving around OST 523 topics will be reviewed in a small-group discussion format |
4:00pm | Spartan Innovation Celebration Special Events (MSU Union Ballroom) Join MSU Technologies as we celebrate MSU's world-class researchers and showcase research, discovery, and entrepreneurship at MSU. |
4:00pm | Immigration Session International Events (Study Abroad, ...) (Room 201 IC, International Center) |
5:00pm | AIG lumbar Puncture and IV Cath. Lab Student Events (6th floor East Fee Hall) Anesthesiology Interest Group is hosting an LAC clinic teaching members of AIG how to perform Lumbar Punctures and IV Catheters. |
7:30pm | Yuri Gandelsman, viola, with Janna Gandelsman, piano Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Music Building Auditorium) More about Yuri Gandelsman |
7:30pm | An Evening with E.L. Doctorow Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Cobb Great Hall, Wharton Center) Presented by the College of Arts & Letters. Join us for An Evening with E.L. Doctorow, renowned author of Ragtime, Billy Bathgate, The M... |