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Today is:
Wed, Jan 15, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day On Death and Horses and Other People
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
"On Death and Horses and Other People" features the striking photographs of renowned Czech photographer Markéta Luskačová, who is docum...
Mask: Secrets and Revelations
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum- Main Gallery)
Mask: Secrets and Revelations is a multi-themed exploration of what masks can hide and what they can reveal. The exhibit places a significa...
Michigan and the Civil War: The 150th Anniversary
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum -Heritage Hall)
Drawn from the MSU Museum's historical collection, the exhibit highlights Michigan connections in the Civil War. Notably, the entire first g...
12:30pm Geological Sciences Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (204 Natural Science Building)
Dr. Ingrid Ukstins Peate, University of Iowa, "The largest volcanic eruptions on Earth"
12:40pm Analytical Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Room 136 Chemistry Bldg.)
Bethany Gross (MSU) "Mass Spectrometry Based Approach for Dried Blood Spot Analysis of Lysosomal Storage Disorders for Newborn Screening"
3:00pm The National Climate Assessment
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (MSU Union, Parlor C)
Kathy Jacobs, of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, will be speaking on "...
8:00pm Relics of the Big Bang
Public Programs (Abrams Planetarium)
Emphasizing research currently underway at CERN, "Relics of the Big Bang" illustrates the monumental scale of a project that extends from Ge...
9:00pm MSU Observatory Open House
Special Events (MSU Observatory)
The MSU Observatory, weather permitting, opens its doors to the public to observe the current nighttime constellations, planets, bright star...