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Today is:
Wed, Feb 19, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Japan Center for Michigan Universities Application Deadline for May Courses
International Events (Study Abroad, ...) (110 International Center, MSU)
The application deadline for all Japan Center For Michigan Universities' May programs: May Short Courses, Summer Internship, Comparative Hea...
POW-erful Design
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
The Michigan State University Museum is unveiling an innovative new exhibition that takes a look at how the wonders of nature inspire techno...
On Equal Terms
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Main Gallery)
This installation exhibit by Susan Eisenberg explores the evolution of the place of women in the construction industry. Eisenberg is a Bosto...
The Wanamaker Collection: A Tribute to Susan Applegate Krouse, 1955 - 2010
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Community Gallery, MSU Museum)
The renowned Wanamaker Collection consists of more than 8,000 images of Native Americans, made between 1908-1923, and featuring individuals ...
Special Events (Campus Wide)
RecycleMania is an annual eight-week recycling competition between more than 600 colleges and universities across the United States.
8:00am East Neighborhood Clinic - 127 Hubbard Hall
Training (127 Hubbard Hall)
Located off the South Lounge in Hubbard Hall. Closed between 12:00pm and 1:00pm for lunch. Call 517-353-4660 to make an appointment.
12:30pm Feb. 10 - Geological Sciences Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (304 Natural Science Building)
Dr. Philip Gingerich, University of Michigan: "Origin and Early Evolution of Whales"
12:40pm Analytical Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry)
Bethany Gross (MSU) Host - Prof. Dana Spence "Development of Detection Methods Towards the Implementation of Newborn Screening Programs for...
1:00pm Women's Tennis vs. Bowling Green
Athletics (Tennis Courts)

5:00pm Women's Tennis vs. Toledo
Athletics (Tennis Courts)

7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas
Student Events (B-Wing Wells Hall)
In Time Thursday Wells Hall 7:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Wells Hall 7:15 &9:15 p.m. Melan...
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas
Student Events (Wells Hall)
In Time Thursday Wells Hall 7:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Wells Hall 7:15 &9:15 p.m. Melancholia Thursday Wells Hall 9:00 p.m. ...
7:35pm Men's Ice Hockey vs. Michigan
Athletics (Munn Ice Arena)

8:00pm Relics of the Big Bang
Public Programs (Abrams Planetarium)
The current weekend show is "Relics of the Big Bang" which emphasizes research currently underway at CERN and illustrates the monumental s...
8:00pm Musique 21
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Music Building Auditoruim)