MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Michigan Political Leadership Program Training (Locations around the state) Applications for MPLP's Class of 2013 will close on Friday, September 21, 2012. MPLP is one of the nation's foremost training programs in po... |
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Main Gallery) From treasured bed coverings, to provocative works of art and political statements, to sophisticated digital learning tools, curators at the... |
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum - Heritage Gallery) In the modern, human-dominated world, a wide variety of pests threaten our environment, agriculture, and health, and must be controlled. Par... |
9:00am | COMMUNITY CONNECT Special Events (2500 S. Washington, Lansing) Help individuals and families experiencing homelessness and those at risk of being homeless. |
12:15pm | Rock, Walk-n-Roll: MSU Moves Me Mile Public Programs (The Rock, MSU Auditorium) The goal of this fitness event is to engage the campus community, faculty, staff and students in regular exercise for the benefit of their h... |
12:15pm | Brown Bag Series - Our Daily Work/ Our Daily Lives Public Programs (MSU Museum Auditorium) This week's presentation is titled, "Taming the shop Floor in South Africa: Black Workers and the Struggle against Apartheid, 1973 - 1985," ... |
12:30pm | Sep. 21 - Geological Sciences Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (145 Natural Science Building) Dr. Danita Brandt, Michigan State University "Eurypterids and the ecdysis hypothesis: Eureka?!" |
3:00pm | Field Hockey vs. Iowa Athletics (Ralph Young Field) For more information, go to |
4:10pm | Special Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Room 136, Chemistry Building) Dr. David M. Tiede, Senior Chemist and Photosynthesis Group Leader, Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory,... |
5:00pm | Men's Soccer vs. Western Michigan Athletics (DeMartin Soccer Complex) For more information, go to |
7:00pm | Campus Center Cinemas Student Events (B-Wing Wells Hall) The Avengers Thursday, 119 B Wells Hall 9:00 PM Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 115 B Wells Hall 8:30 p.m. People Like Us Friday, Saturday... |
7:00pm | Women's Volleyball vs. Purdue Athletics (Jenison Field House) For more information, go to |
7:00pm | Campus Center Cinemas Student Events (B-Wing Wells Hall) The Avengers Thursday, 115 B Wells Hall 9:00 PM Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 115 B Wells Hall 8:30 p.m. People Like Us Friday, Saturday, ... |
8:00pm | Gateway to Infinity Public Programs (Abrams Planetarium) "Gateway" takes you on a tour of the universe, beginning on the Earth, heading out into the solar system, and then into the Milky Way galaxy... |
8:00pm | Collage VI Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Cobb Great Hall, Wharton Center) For the sixth year, the College of Music presents its Collage Concert - a fast-paced, nonstop evening showcasing an exhilarating array of... |
9:00pm | So you think you can line dance? Student Events (International Center) So you think you can line dance? 9p.m. - Midnight, International Center Kick off the fall season and put your country dance skills to the ... |
9:00pm | Observatory Open House Special Events (MSU Observtory) The September public observing night at the MSU Observatory's 24" telescope will be Friday, September 21, weather permitting. Besides the Ob... |