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Today is:
Wed, Feb 19, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Urban Factors
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
"Urban Factors" is an art installation by Xia Gao, assistant professor of Apparel and Textile Design (Art, Art History, and Design Dept. at ...
MSU 360.24
Special Events
One day. Spartans around the globe. Be part of it. On November 6, Spartans around the globe are invited to shoot video-or photos-of the o...
Detroit Resurgent
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Detroit Resurgent is an exhibit program revealing the strength of human creativity in evolving Detroit... Portraits of Detroiters who repres...
An Extraordinary Document of Our World
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
An Extraordinary Document of Our World is a selection of worker portraits made around the world in a time of change throughout the past 25 y...
Extraordinary Ordinary People: American Masters of Traditional Arts
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
In every community are individuals who with excellence and authenticity are contributing to the rich artistic and cultural legacies of Ameri...
12:00pm "Piece Work: Women and Textiles" in LookOut! Art Gallery
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Snyder-Phillips Hall, Second Floor)
From November 4 to 22, 2013, visit "Piece Work: Women and Textiles" in LookOut! Art Gallery in the Residential College in the Arts and Human...
12:00pm Brad Sherrill, Ph.D.
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Life Sciences)
NSCL Chief Scientist & University Distinguished Professor, Dept of Physics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI "Availability of...
12:00pm Research Rounds
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (B105 Life Sciences Bldg., & 365 Secchia Ctr., Grand Rapids)
"Girls on the Move: A School-based intervention to increase physical activity" presented by Lorraine Robbins, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, Associate Pr...
1:00pm Endnote X6 and Endnote Web
Training (MSU Main Library, Basement Instruction Room)
A basic introduction to EndNote and Endnote Web. Learn how to: -Import references from MSU's online catalog and article databases -Format...
3:00pm Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry)
Professor Donald Watson, University of Delaware, will present a Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar on November 6 titled: Transition Me...
6:30pm For the 25
Movie / Film (B117 Wells Hall)
A documentary film created by MSU Professional Writing students Logan Stark, Rebecca Zantjer and Lexi Dakin dedicated to Stark's 25 fallen c...
6:30pm Social Relations and PARTY!
Student Events (Case Hall Library )
Thinking about joining the SRP major? The SRP Field Party is a great way to get to know the professors of SRP, eat free ice cream, and wat...
7:00pm Travel Mugs Craft Night
Special Events (Room 50, Ground Level, MSU Union)
Bring your friends out to another awesome UAB craft night! We will be decorating travel mugs this week! While supplies last, supplies go fas...
7:00pm Carolyn Gage at the Center for Poetry Fall Writing Series
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (RCAH Theater (C20 Snyder Hall))
Carolyn Gage, a lesbian feminist playwright, will read selections from her work, including "Amy Lowell: In Her Own Words" and "The Second Co...
7:30pm Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Fairchild Theatre, MSU Auditorium)

8:00pm Cosmic Bowling and Billiards
Special Events (Spartan Lanes & U-Cue, MSU Union)
Spartan Lanes & UCue, MSU Union 8 p.m. - midnight Bring your friends, grab some bowling shoes, practice your bank shot, and have a great t...