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Today is:
Wed, Feb 19, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Schuler Book Days
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Schuler Books and Music Lansing)
Show your support for CMS by purchasing books and other items at Schuler Books & Music Lansing locations (Meridian Mall in Okemos and Eastwo...
Urban Factors
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
"Urban Factors" is an art installation by Xia Gao, assistant professor of Apparel and Textile Design (Art, Art History, and Design Dept. at ...
Detroit Resurgent
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Detroit Resurgent is an exhibit program revealing the strength of human creativity in evolving Detroit... Portraits of Detroiters who repres...
An Extraordinary Document of Our World
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
An Extraordinary Document of Our World is a selection of worker portraits made around the world in a time of change throughout the past 25 y...
Extraordinary Ordinary People: American Masters of Traditional Arts
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
In every community are individuals who with excellence and authenticity are contributing to the rich artistic and cultural legacies of Ameri...
8:00am Michigan World Usability Day
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (MSU Union)
An annual international celebration hosted by MSU Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting (UARC). MSU sponsors the statewide event ...
8:30am Construction Junction
Special Events (112 Brody Hall)
Construction Junctions allow Infrastructure Planning and Facilities to provide regular opportunities for dialogue and engagement, in support...
12:00pm "Piece Work: Women and Textiles" in LookOut! Art Gallery
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Snyder-Phillips Hall, Second Floor)
From November 4 to 22, 2013, visit "Piece Work: Women and Textiles" in LookOut! Art Gallery in the Residential College in the Arts and Human...
4:10pm Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry)
Professor Stacey E. Brenner-Moyer, Brooklyn College, will present a Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar on Thursday, November 14. Host:...
5:00pm Scholarship Information Session: Graduate School Opportunities in the UK
Academic (339 Case Hall)
Learn about graduate school opportunities in the United Kingdom through the Rhodes Scholarship, Marshall Scholarship, Mitchell Scholarship, ...
5:00pm Marathon of Majors
Academic (MSU Union, 2nd Floor Ballroom)
Representatives from MSU colleges and academic support units will be available to answer students' questions about majors, minors, specializ...
7:30pm Turkish Classical Music Concert
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (MSU Kellogg Center Auditorium)
The MSU Rumi Club and Turkish Student Association are hosting a group which will perform the finest examples of Turkish classical music on N...
8:00pm ADVANCED SCREENING: Lone Survivor
Special Events (115B Wing, Wells Hall)
Doors Open at 7:15pm LONE SURVIVOR: Based on the failed mission "Operation Red Wings" which tasked four members of SEAL Team 10 on June ...
8:30pm Campus Center Cinemas - We're The Millers
Special Events (119B Wing, Wells Hall)