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Today is:
Sun, Feb 9, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Revisiting Verger's Dahomey: A Photographic Contrast
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
This exhibit presents a photographic contrast between the images of Pierre Verger (1902 - 1996), the French photojournalist who immersed him...
Ahmed "Kathy" Kathrada: A South African Activist for Non-Racialism and Democracy
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Nelson Mandela's prison mate, confidante, parliamentary counselor and friend Ahmed Kathrada is the subject of this exhibition. The story of ...
Ruby Bridges, Brown v. Board of Education, and The Greater Lansing Sites of Conscience Project
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
A quilt made in tribute to Ruby Bridges, a 1954 Supreme Court decision, and The Greater Lansing Sites of Conscience Project. What do they al...
8:00am Parental Permission: Child Assent: A Challenging Ethical Ideal
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Sparrow Hospital Auditorium)
Pediatric Grand Rounds presented by: Ann Mongoven, PhD, PMH, Center for Ethics and Humanities in Life Sciences and the Department of Pediat...
8:30am Construction Junction
Special Events (Anthony Hall 1279)
Construction Junctions allow Infrastructure Planning and Facilities to provide regular opportunities for dialogue and engagement, in support...
10:00am Enchanted Planet Sale
Special Events (MSU Union Concourse)
Say hello to Tye Dye Thom! Shop for the following: Tapestries, historical and country flags from around the world, hemp jewelry, cool winter...
1:00pm Endnote X6 and Endnote Web
Training (Gast Business Library, Room 22)
A basic introduction to EndNote and Endnote Web. Learn how to: -Import references from MSU's online catalog and article databases -For...
4:10pm Thursday Chemistry Seminars
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry)
Professor Neepa Maitra, Hunter College & CUNY, will present a Physical Chemistry Seminar on Thursday, February 13. Host: Professor Piotr P...
8:30pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Special Events (115B Wing, Wells Hall)
Note: All Students and guests must show valid picture ID for movie entry. All movies are in the B Wing of Wells Hall Introducing Studen...
9:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Dallas Buyers Club
Special Events (119 Wing, Wells Hall)
Note: All Students and guests must show valid picture ID for movie entry. All movies are in the B Wing of Wells Hall Introducing Studen...