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Today is:
Thu, Feb 13, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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Academic (Various)
DIGITAL MEDIA, NEW CINEMAS, AND THE GLOBAL SOUTH Digital media has changed the everyday lives of millions of people worldwide, however th...
MSU Science Festival
Special Events (MSU campus and East Lansing)
Experience Science Like Never Before, with over 100 different hands-on activities and demonstrations, seminars, exhibits, and guided tours d...
Revisiting Verger's Dahomey: A Photographic Contrast
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
This exhibit presents a photographic contrast between the images of Pierre Verger (1902 - 1996), the French photojournalist who immersed him...
Ahmed "Kathy" Kathrada: A South African Activist for Non-Racialism and Democracy
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Nelson Mandela's prison mate, confidante, parliamentary counselor and friend Ahmed Kathrada is the subject of this exhibition. The story of ...
Ruby Bridges, Brown v. Board of Education, and The Greater Lansing Sites of Conscience Project
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
A quilt made in tribute to Ruby Bridges, a 1954 Supreme Court decision, and The Greater Lansing Sites of Conscience Project. What do they al...
9:00am How People Learn: A Cognitive Science Perspective
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (103 Erickson Hall Kiva)
A panel of nationally known experts in cognitive science will discuss what current basic research in learning and memory can contribute to c...
9:00am University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum
Academic (MSU Union)
The annual University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) provides Michigan State undergraduate students with an opportunity to sh...
11:00am Resume Boot Camp
Student Events (113 Student Services Building)
MSU Career Services is running a Resume Boot Camp for current students. Bring in a resume for personal resume coaching. We'll help you get ...
12:00pm "Reclamations Area" in RCAH's LookOut! Art Gallery
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Second Floor, Snyder-Phillips Hall)
From April 1 through April 19, 2014, visit the MSU Residential College in the Arts and Humanities LookOut! Art Gallery for an exhibit of rec...
12:15pm Labour Struggle in the United States and Canada, 1876 - 1878: Reflections on Connected Histories
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Main Library, W449 (4th Floor, West Wing))
Jean-Philip Mathieu, History Department, University of Quebec, speaker In late December 1876, railway workers affiliated with the Brother...
12:30pm Geological Sciences Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (304 Natural Science Building)
Dr. Warren Wood, Department of Geological Sciences, "Geoengineering (Climate Modification): An Earth Science Perspective"
3:00pm Let's Talk: Poverty and Wealth
Special Events (Main Library, W449 (4th Floor, West Wing))
All members of the campus community are invited to participate in a conversation regarding the issues of "Poverty and Wealth." Seated in sma...
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Special Events (115B Wing, Wells Hall)
7:00pm Artist Talk: Emeka Ogboh
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum)
Nigerian artist, Emeka Ogboh, and Broad MSU Assistant Curator, Yesomi Umolu, will chat about Ogboh's work, influences, and the evolution of ...
7:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
7:15pm Campus Center Cinemas - Philomena
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
7:30pm Cirque Du Soleil: Varekai
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Breslin Center)
Deep within a forest, at the summit of a volcano, exists an extraordinary world - a world where something else is possible. A world called ...
8:00pm Puccini's La Boheme
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Fairchild Theatre, MSU Auditorium)
8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 4-5; 3:00 p.m. Sunday, April 6 Giacomo Puccini's classic La Bohème, part of the standard Italian ope...
9:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Special Events (115B Wing, Wells Hall)
9:00pm Sports Night
Special Events (IM East)
Start the Final Four Weekend right. Free Bro Tanks for the first 200 people. Bring your friends for Zorbing aka human spheres, Volleyball w...
9:00pm Observatory Open House
Public Programs (MSU Observatory)
MSU's 24" inch telescope will be available for public viewing along with telescopes setup by MSU grad students and CAAC members.
9:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
9:15pm Campus Center Cinemas - Philomena
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)