MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum) Through the African and American Museum Professionals Mentoring/Exchange Program, the MSU Museum worked with the Maroc Telecom Museum in Mor... |
Final Exams Academic Final exams for the Fall 2014 semester |
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum) Once Earth's most abundant bird - as many as 3-5 billion -- it's been estimated that one of every three North American birds was a Passenger... |
12:00pm | 2014 KENNETH E. MOORE DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (B448-449 Life Sciences (behind Bott Nursing Building)) John L. Goudreau, DO/PhD Associate Professor of Neurology & Ophthalmology, and of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Michigan State U, East Lansing... |
4:10pm | Nuclear Chemistry Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Cyclotron Building Lecture Hall) Professor Sean N. Liddick of Michigan State University will present a presentation titled "Shape Coexistence Around 68Ni". |