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Today is:
Wed, Dec 11, 2024

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Through the African and American Museum Professionals Mentoring/Exchange Program, the MSU Museum worked with the Maroc Telecom Museum in Mor...
Final Exams
Final exams for the Fall 2014 semester
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Once Earth's most abundant bird - as many as 3-5 billion -- it's been estimated that one of every three North American birds was a Passenger...
8:00am Pediatric Grand Rounds
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Sparrow Hospital Auditorium)
"NMTRC Advances in Neuroblastoma Research and Treatment" Presented by: Giselle Sholler, MD, Head of Pediatric Oncology Transitional R...
8:30am Construction Junction
Special Events (See "More information" link for location details)
Construction Junctions allow Infrastructure Planning and Facilities to provide regular opportunities for dialogue and engagement, in support...
12:00pm "How long do I have, Doc?" Ethical Issues in Prognostication for Older Adults
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (E4 Fee Hall or at
Join us for a lecture from Alexander Smith, MD, MS, MPH, on Thursday, December 11, 2014 from noon till 1 pm in person or online. The lecture...
3:30pm Informal Learning Speaker Series
Public Programs (MSU Museum)
Please join us for a new monthly speaker series spon­sored by the Informal Learning Network-MSU. Enjoy 30-40 minute talks on engag­ing top­i...