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Today is:
Sun, Feb 9, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Spartan Film Festival Application Open
Special Events (
Have you made a film for class or for fun? Submit your film to the Spartan Film Festival for the chance to win prizes! Submissions will be a...
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
"Seeing China" features photographs of China by six contemporary, non-Chinese photographers, and stereographs, from the MSU Museum's history...
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Through the African and American Museum Professionals Mentoring/Exchange Program, the MSU Museum worked with the Maroc Telecom Museum in Mor...
9:00am CDNM Drug Discovery Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (B448 Life Sciences (behind Bott Nursing Building))
Updated seminar information:
10:00am Enchanted Planet Sale
Special Events (MSU Union Concourse)
Say hello to Tye Dye Thom! Shop for the following: Tapestries, historical and country flags from around the world, hemp jewelry, cool winter...
12:00pm "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" in LookOut! Art Gallery
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (LookOut! Art Gallery)
The RCAH is sponsoring the fourth annual artist in residence exhibition in the series "Perspectives on African-American Experience: Emerging...
12:00pm Dr. William G. Anderson Lecture Series, Slavery to Freedom
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, Auditorium)
Speaker: John Lewis US Representative from Georgia's Fifth District, civil rights leader, Freedom Rider, author
1:30pm Disorders of Consciousness and the Ethics of Uncertainty
Academic (A216 East Fee Hall)
This lecture is a job talk for a Neuroethics faculty position candidate in the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences. L. ...
Special Events (MSU Union)
Attention students of Michigan State University bring your siblings, children, cousin, or friend to MSU's annual Sibs & Kids weekend, Februa...
5:00pm Swimming & Diving
Athletics (East Lansing, MI)
vs. Michigan, women only
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Frozen
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
7:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - Big Hero 6
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
7:20pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Lego Movie
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Studio 60 Theatre in the MSU Auditorium)
Directed by Mark Colson A show developed by students that will play first as a theatrical piece and later be filmed. In a show that explo...
9:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Frozen
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
9:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - Big Hero 6
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)
9:15pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Lego Movie
Special Events (B Wing, Wells Hall)