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Fri, Jan 17, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Battle of the Bands Application
Special Events
Performance date will be April 10th at the International Center Bands will need to arrive by 6:30PM and will need to stay throughout the ...
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
"Seeing China" features photographs of China by six contemporary, non-Chinese photographers, and stereographs, from the MSU Museum's history...
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Museum)
Through the African and American Museum Professionals Mentoring/Exchange Program, the MSU Museum worked with the Maroc Telecom Museum in Mor...
8:00am Pediatric Grand Rounds
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Sparrow Hospital Auditorium)
"Oxidative stress: The importance of understanding molecular mechanisms in determining adverse health effects and interventions with nutriti...
10:00am Physiology Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (1425 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg)
Dept. of Physiology Research Seminar: Dr. Michael Gatza - "An integrated genomics approach to identify drivers of oncogenesis and oncogenic ...
10:00am Endnote X6 and Endnote Web
Training (Main Library, Beaumont Instruction Room)
A basic introduction to Endnote and Endnote Web. Learn how to: * Import references from MSU's online catalog and article databases ...
12:00pm Technology, the Brain, and the Quest to Enhance Ourselves: Bridging the Normative and the Empirical
Academic (C102 (Patenge Rm) East Fee Hall)
This lecture is a job talk for a Neuroethics faculty position candidate in the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences. Dr....
12:00pm Gast Business Library Book Discussion
Student Events (MSU Business Library, Room 13)
We will be discussing Moisés Naím's book The End of Power at the library! The End of Power was the first book chosen by Mark Zuckerberg for ...
4:10pm Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry)
Olivia Chesniak, MSU, will present a Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar on February 26. Host - Professor Mitch Smith. Title: TBA
7:00pm Men's Basketball
Athletics (East Lansing, MI)
vs. Minnesota
7:30pm Col Legno Duo
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Hart Recital Hall)
The Col Legno Duo takes its name from the Italian musical term meaning "with the wood." Amy Pollard (bassoon) and Scott Pollard (marimba/per...
7:30pm Dr. William G. Anderson Lecture Series, Slavery to Freedom
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Wharton Center, Great Hall)
Speaker: Rev. Al Sharpton Civil rights activist, president of National Action Network, author, radio and TV personality
7:30pm MACBETH
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Fairchild Theatre in the MSU Auditorium)
By William Shakespeare The Scottish play examines politics and power. Madness. Ambition. Blood. And witches. One of the most recognizable...