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Today is:
Sun, Feb 16, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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All day Quilted Conversations: Materializing Civil and Human Rights
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Heritage Gallery)
Quilted Conversations: Materializing Civil and Human Rights grew out of a collaborative community engagement project that uses quiltmaking a...
12:00pm The Choice to Become a Research Subject: A First-Person Perspective
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (C102 East Fee Hall)
Join us for a lecture from Rebecca Dresser, JD, on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 from 12 - 1 pm in person or online. The lecture will take place...
12:00pm Cell and Molecular Biology Program Research Forum
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (1425 BPS)
All seminars will be held in 1425 BPS on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Week of Spring Break no seminar
12:00pm International Osteopathic Medical Organization/Peru Global Outreach Meeting
Student Events (EL A338)
General meeting for all students traveling with International Osteopathic Medical Organization (IOMO) to Peru in August 2017.
1:00pm Resiliency and Adaptability in the Face of Climate Disruption in the Arctic
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Rm 303 Internation Center)
Harvey Lemelin, associate professor in the School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism at Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada, is the p...
3:00pm Inorganic Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (136 Chemistry Department)
Dr. David Nicewicz of University North Carolina. Hosted by Professor James McCusker. Topic TBA
5:00pm Personal and Professional Growth Group
Student Events (EL C102 Fee Hall)
Personal and Professional Growth Group (PPGG) meeting hosted by Medical Student Mental Health Committee.
5:30pm Jonathan Haidt on How to Work with Righteous Minds
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Pasant Theatre, Wharton Center)
Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist who is widely considered to be one of the world's leading experts on the psychology of morality. Hai...
6:00pm STA Travel
Special Events (1st Floor Concourse, MSU Union)
STA Travel has exclusive student discounts on flights, hotels and tour packages! They will be raffling one $100 gift voucher per month. Stop...
6:00pm Student Neurology Ophthalmology & Psychiatry Society - Psychopathology Jeopardy
Student Events (EL E105, DMC G029, MUC UC3 208)
SNOPS Psychopathology jeopardy review session for boards led by Brian Smith, associate professor of psychiatry.
7:30pm The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Fairchild Theatre, MSU Auditorium)

8:00pm FREE Cosmic Bowling
Student Events (Spartan Lanes, MSU Union)
Free for MSU Students with ID.