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Today is:
Sun, Feb 16, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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11:00am Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (101 Biochemistry)
Weekly research seminars hosted by the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. All MMG seminars are at 4:10 p.m., TUESDAY, 14...
12:00pm Alumni Art and RCAHfacts
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Snyder Hall, LookOut! Art Gallery)
From October 20 through November 17, 2017, visit the RCAH LookOut! Art Gallery for Alumni Art and RCAHfacts. This exhibit is celebrating the...
3:00pm Graduate School & Law School Fair
Student Events (Breslin Center)
More than 25 percent of MSU grads continue on to a graduate school program. This is a really convenient and productive way for students to m...
4:10pm Physical Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Chemistry Department)
Delma Larsen, professor University of California, Davis
6:00pm Volunteers of America Didactic Lecture
Student Events (EL E202, DMC G029, Macomb UC3 209)
Spartan Street Medicine will host Julie Shaltry, MA, LPC-S, NCC, the social services clinical director for Volunteers of America Michigan. S...
6:00pm Anesthesiology Interest Group and Student Osteopathic Surgical Association Intubation Clinic
Student Events (Detroit Medical Center G028)
AIG and SOSA host an intubation clinic at the DMC, led by Andrew Banooni.
Student Events (East Lawn MSU Union)
As part of the It's On Us fall week of action, relax with therapy dogs, board games, crafts and coloring. Enjoy Rice Krispy treats and Biggb...
6:00pm University Activities Board Study Break
Student Events (MSU Union East Lawn and Basement)
As part of the It's On Us sexual assault action week, UAB is sponsoring a study break with snacks, crafts and therapy dogs.
6:00pm Halloween Decor and More: Design for Vinyl and Laser Cutting
Student Events (MSU Main Library MakeCentral (2-West))
Interested in creating laser cut objects or vinyl decals? We will help you get started with simple to customize designs perfectly themed fo...
6:00pm Special Collections Open House: Witches and Demons
Special Events (MSU Main Library, Special Collection (1-Center))

7:00pm People's Law School: Medical Malpractice
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (East Lansing Hannah Community Center)
People's Law School is a program that helps educate Michigan residents about their legal rights and the law. People's Law School connects ci...
7:00pm Fall Writing Series: Dan Gerber
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Green Room, 4th Floor West Wing, MSU Main Library)
(Co-sponsored with MSU Libraries Michigan Writers Series) The author of more than a dozen books, including eight volumes of poetry, Dan Ge...
7:00pm Japan at the Movies - "Kamikaze Girls"
Movie / Film (Berkey)
Please join us for these films from or about Japan, screened for IAH 241G, "Japanese Film and Culture." "Kamikaze Girls" (Dir. Nakashima ...
8:00pm Open Mic Night
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (MSU Union Main Lounge)
We provide the stage and sound. You provide the talent. Come out to Open Mic to perform, share what you are passionate about through spoken ...