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Mon, Feb 10, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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Student Events (MSU Union, Lower Level, Room 26)
STA Travel offers student discounts on flights, hotel, rail passes and tours. Can't make it to the Union? Come see us for walk-in advising, ...
9:00am Birds and Coffee Walk
Public Programs (Bird Sanctuary, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI)
Please join us on the second Wednesday of each month for a birding walk to look for the birds of the season. We will conclude in the Resourc...
9:00am Bird Sanctuary - Guided Birding Walk
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (WK Kellogg Bird Sanctuary)
Need a little nature in your mornings? Spend a summer morning at the W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary viewing birds on an expert-led walk through...
Student Events (MSU Union 1st Floor Concourse)
Say hello to Tye Dye Thom! The simply silver sale, elegant silver as rings, pendants and chains. Great prices, timeless designs. Also view t...
10:00am Working for Gender Equality: Lessons from Africa
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (201 International Center)
A Conversation with Dr. Thelma Awori In this conversation with students, Dr. Awori will share her insights about working for gender ...
12:00pm Alumni Art and RCAHfacts
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (Snyder Hall, LookOut! Art Gallery)
From October 20 through November 17, 2017, visit the RCAH LookOut! Art Gallery for Alumni Art and RCAHfacts. This exhibit is celebrating the...
12:00pm Seminar: Adam Mullick, Ionis Pharmaceuticals
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (B448 Life Sciences (behind Bott Nursing Building))
Topic: "RNA therapeutic drug discovery: Case Studies of targets in clinical and preclinical development" Host: Stephanie Watts "Recent a...
12:15pm Ask A Native Anything
Student Events (MSU College of Law)
In Rm 471 of MSU Law School. Your fellow law students will welcome questions on culture, beliefs, on being Native, on issues related to ...
1:00pm Bookworms at the Broad: Birthdays
Public Programs (Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum)
Bring your eyes, ears and imaginations to the MSU Broad for story time and creative fun inspired by this month's theme, birthdays! Bookworms...
3:00pm Robust Babies: Histories of Breastfeeding and Industrial Labor in the mid-20th Century Brazil
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (201 International Center)
Victoria Langland holds a joint position in History and Romance Languages and Literatures and is currently serving as the director of the Ce...
4:00pm Organic Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Chemistry)
Mengxia Sun Michigan State University
4:00pm Cosmic Bowling
Student Events (MSU Union)
Spartan Lanes, MSU Union 4 p.m. - midnight Bring your friends, grab some bowling shoes and have a great time. Free with MSU ID.
4:00pm History and Auto/Biography: The Language of the Self and Contemporary Italian Cinema
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (B-342 Wells Hall)
Marcia Landy University of Pittsburgh History and Auto/Biography: The Language of the Self and Contemporary Italian Cinema Wednesday, ...
7:00pm Fall Writing Series: Crystal Good
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (RCAH Theater)
Crystal Good uses poetry and performance to explore the landscape of Appalachia as a lens into the universe. She is a member of the Affrilac...
7:00pm Continental Divide Wildlife, People and the Border Wall
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (N130 Business College Complex)
Presentation by Krista Schlyer, award winning writer and photographer. In documenting the changes to the ecosystems and human communitie...
7:00pm A Kessler Film Event: "Shores of Light"
Movie / Film (MSU Main Library, Green Room (4-West))
A Kessler Film Event Directed and scripted by Yael Katzir, 2017 Serling Visiting Israeli Scholar at MSU Israel/Italy. Hebrew and Ital...