MSU Events Calendar |
12:00pm | THEN NOW, MSU Union Art Gallery, Department of Art, Art History, and Design Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Union Art Gallery, 230 Abbott Road, East Lansing, MI 48824 (AAHD)) THEN NOW Paintings and sculptures by Dianne Wolter. August 3 - October 5, 2018 |
12:00pm | Student Association Military Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons General Meeting Student Events (EL E105, DMC G029, Macomb UC3 208) |
12:00pm | Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group General Meeting Student Events (EL E202, DMC G028, Macomb UC3 209) OBIGS "bagel brunch" meeting for incoming members. All students interested in OBIGS should come for important information of organization du... |
2:00pm | 3D Printing Demystified: An Introduction to 3D Printing Training (MSU Main Library) Curious about how 3D printing can meet your needs? Join us to explore the history of 3D printing, basics of hardware, software and materials... |
2:00pm | MSU Libraries' Digital Scholarship Open Consultation Training (MSU Libraries Digital Scholarship Lab, 2West) Open Consultation provides a drop-in opportunity to talk with experts and practitioners about your digital scholarship project. We can be es... |
2:00pm | 3D Printing Demystified: An Introduction to 3D Printing Training (Main Library, Digital Scholarship Lab Classroom, 2 West) Curious about how 3D printing can meet your needs? Join us to explore the history of 3D printing, basics of hardware, software and materials... |
4:00pm | The 3M Interest Group Academic (iCER Seminar room 1455-A Biomedical & Physical Sciences Building) The Metabolism, Membranes, and Metalloenzymology, the (3M) Interest Group, serves as a forum for graduate students, postdocs and faculty to ... |
4:45pm | German for Preschoolers Public Programs (Wells Hall) Our preschooler programs are open to children ages 3 to 6 years and introduce children to the target language and culture in a playful way. ... |
4:45pm | German for Kids Public Programs (Wells Hall) Our kids programs are open to children ages 6 to 12 years and are designed to provide a fun learning environment that focuses on playful int... |
6:15pm | German for Teens Public Programs (Wells Hall) Our weekly accelerated language classes offer a conversational supplement for students with prior experience. A minimum of one year of any f... |