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MSU Events Calendar

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All day Israel at 70 Conference
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Kellogg Center)

National Postdoc Week
The MSU Postdoctoral Association celebrates the contributions of the postdoctoral workforce in the U.S. during the week of Sept. 17-21.
10:00am Citation Management: EndNote X7 and EndNote Online Workshop
Training (MSU Main Library)
A basic introduction to EndNote X7 and EndNote Online. Learn how to import references from MSU's online catalog and article databases, forma...
12:00pm THEN NOW, MSU Union Art Gallery, Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) (MSU Union Art Gallery, 230 Abbott Road, East Lansing, MI 48824 (AAHD))
THEN NOW Paintings and sculptures by Dianne Wolter. August 3 - October 5, 2018
3:30pm How Websites Work: Web Development for Digital Scholarship
Training (MSU Main Library)
This workshop is geared for a beginner/intermediate audience who want to know how websites work, and how they might best approach building a...
7:00pm Discussing and viewing 'Maineland'
Movie / Film (Wilson Hall Auditorium C102)
Director Miao Wang will screen and discuss "Maineland," a documentary film "that follows two affluent and cosmopolitan teenagers as they set...