MSU Events Calendar |
9:00am | Digital Scholarship Co-Works Special Events (Main Library, Digital Scholarship Lab Flex Space, 2 West) Digital Scholarship Co-Works are opportunities for meeting and working alongside colleagues and fellow practitioners of digital scholarship.... |
2:00pm | MSU Libraries' Digital Scholarship Open Consultation Training (MSU Libraries Digital Scholarship Lab, 2West) Open Consultation provides a drop-in opportunity to talk with experts and practitioners about your digital scholarship project. We can be es... |
3:00pm | Fall Writing Series: Russell Brakefield Public Programs (Snyder-Phillips Hall) Come join poet Russell Brakefield at the RCAH's Center for Poetry first fall reading event! Russell will give a talk, "Poetry from the Ar... |
4:00pm | The 3M Interest Group Academic (iCER Seminar room 1455-A Biomedical & Physical Sciences Building) The Metabolism, Membranes, and Metalloenzymology, the (3M) Interest Group, serves as a forum for graduate students, postdocs and faculty to ... |