MSU Events Calendar |
12:00pm | Spartan Street Medicine International Street Medicine Update Student Events (EL E105, DMC G029 and Macomb UC3 209) SSM Executive Board and faculty will share their experiences from the International Street Medicine Symposium in Rotterdam. |
12:30pm | EES Distinguished Speaker Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Room 204 Natural Science Building) 9/7/18 Jenn Macalady "Light-harvesting bacteria stabilized low-oxygen conditions in the Proterozoic" 9/14/18 Cin-Ty Lee "The Making of a ... |
5:30pm | Alumni Grand Awards Gala Alumni (Kellogg Hotel Conference Center) Attire: Black Tie Optional Registration: July 30-November 2 |
5:30pm | Piano Lecture Recital Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams ) FRIB invites the community to the next Advanced Studies Gateway musical event. A lecture recital featuring pianist Wei-Qin Claire Tang will ... |