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Today is:
Sat, Feb 15, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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10:00am MSU Science Festival
Special Events
The 7th Annual MSU Science Festival is set for April 5 - 20, 2019 The line-up will include topics on science, technology, engineering, a...
12:00pm For Love of the Prophet: The Art of Islamic State-Making in Sudan
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (303 International Center)
Noah Salomon (Carleton College) will present on "For Love of the Prophet: The Art of Islamic State-Making in Sudan"   Africa...
12:15pm Serenading for Democracy and Labor Rights in Wisconsin: The Longest Running Protest Sing in History
Special Events (Main Library, Green Room)
Tom Kastle will give us songs and tales from the Solidarity Sing-along at the State Capitol in Madison which grew to be the longest protest ...
2:00pm Math Seminar Series
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (C304 Wells Hall)
Speaker Robert Bell will discuss joint work with Rita Gitik (UM) on the problem of recognizing quasi-positive elements of a group G defined ...
3:00pm Therapy Dog Thursdays
Special Events (Main Library, South Lobby)
Has your week been "ruff"? Come to the library and pet a therapy dog!
3:00pm Lift the Rock: Spartans for Accountable Investment
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Erickson Kiva (Room 103))
'Lift the Rock' is a student-planned symposium slated to outline pathways for institutional accountability through the lens of MSU's investm...
3:00pm Math Seminar Series
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (C117 Wells Hall)
We develop a version of cluster algebra extending the ring of Laurent polynomials by adding Grassmann variables. These algebras can be descr...
3:30pm P-A Colloquium
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (1415 Biomedical & Physical Sciences Bldg)
Speaker name: Witek Nazarewicz, NSCL, Michigan State University Title: TBA Refreshments at 3:00 pm in 1400 BPS. Location: 1415 BPS Bldg...
4:00pm Innovation Celebration
Special Events (Huntington Club, Spartan Stadium)
This event showcases innovative technologies and startups developed in campus labs, classrooms and beyond. We honor MSU researchers and stud...
4:10pm Math Seminar Series
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (C304 Wells Hall)
Speaker Emmy Murphy from Northwestern University will lecture on the topic, "Flexibility in contact and symplectic geometry." Murphy will di...
6:00pm Studio (in)Process: FREE Science Festival Edition
Public Programs (MSU Broad Art Lab)
If there's one thing that artists and scientists have in common, it is the ability to think creatively. During the month of April, the Art L...
7:00pm Rabin/Brill Holocaust Lecture
Public Programs (Kellogg Center Auditorium)
Doris Bergen will discuss sexual violence during the Holocaust against Jews and non-Jews, against women and girls, and also boys and men. Pr...
Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (The Pasant Theatre )
This gruesome comedy examines irreverence as Dionysus exacts revenge on all who do not believe he is a god. This production will be infused ...