MSU Events Calendar |
12:30am | EES Distinguished Speaker Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Room 204 Natural Science Building) Nathan Sheldon |
12:00pm | Black Kirby: An Afrofuturist Homecoming Special Events (MSU Museum) The Michigan State University Museum is celebrating the arrival of a new collection of four prints by Black Kirby, an artist collaborative c... |
12:00pm | Marriage and Dementia in the United States Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (211A Berkey Hall) MSU Sociology presents Dr. Hui (Cathy) Liu, Professor, Dr. Zhenmei Zhang, Professor, and Dr. Ning Hsieh, Assistant Professor, as their pre... |
12:15pm | Our Daily Work / Our Daily Lives Public Programs (MSU Museum Auditorium) This week's presentation titled, "Maurice Sugar and Labor Culture," is presented by Ryan Pettengill, Department of History, Mountain View Co... |
4:00pm | Art & Power Movie / Film (B-122 Wells Hall) Three short films explore the politics of art in the context of complex German histories. At once an experimental filmmaker, documentaris... |
5:30pm | Piano Concert Featuring Frederick Isaac Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (1300 Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) As a composer with many writing interests, Frederick Isaac's preferred mediums include solo piano, classical chamber ensembles, jazz trios, ... |
8:00pm | Symphony Orchestra Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...) (Cobb Great Hall, Wharton Center) Christopher James Lees, guest conductor Yvonne Lam, violin Barber - Second Essay for Orchestra Glass - Violin Concerto No. 1 (Yvonne Lam,... |