MSU Events Calendar |
12:00pm | Detroit Street Care Host Dr. Richard Bryce Student Events (DMC G029, EL E105 and Macomb UC3 209) DSC Presents Richard Bryce, D.O., family medicine physician and faculty advisor of DSC. He will be speaking about his work at the CHASS Cent... |
1:45pm | High Energy Physics Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (1400 Biomedical & Physical Sciences Building) High Energy Physics Seminars are presented at 1:45 pm on Tuesdays in 1400 Biomedical & Physical Sciences Building Refreshments are served... |
5:00pm | SNOPS Slit Lamp Workshop Student Events (Michigan State University Department of Neurology/Ophthalmology) Dr. Nagia with MSU Neurology/Ophthalmology Dept. will share the essential tools and techniques first year Ophthalmology residents are taught... |