MSU Events Calendar |
All day | MSU Museum Virtual Learning and Activity Resources Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Visit for links to MSU Museum resources and great things that other museums are offering right ... |
9:30am | Michigan Turtle Identification and Management Public Programs (Kellogg Bird Sanctuary) Are you wild about turtles? Join Brenden Reid (PhD) for an interactive learning experience that will sharpen your knowledge of Michigan turt... |
12:30pm | Summer Meetup Series: Alternatives to Supplement an Internship During a Pandemic Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) During summers between semesters, and during the academic year, it is very important students continue to build skills and increase marketab... |
1:00pm | Online Home Food Preservation Classes Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) Are you thinking about preserving food at home this summer? Please join MSU Extension to learn safe home food preserving methods and valuabl... |
3:00pm | ComArtSci Career Conversations: Careers in Tech Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom link provided on Biomedical and Physical Sciences Events page - see email for password) Andy MacMillan, CEO of UserTesting, will be joining us to discuss technology in the time of COVID-19. Topics include how the industry is ada... |
5:00pm | Rethinking Sisterhood: The Role of Media in Affirming the ERA Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) This series strives to bring activists, artists, political leaders and the public together to discuss the ways in which the media and citize... |
7:00pm | Studio (In)Process at Home Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) We miss getting together and making art on Thursday nights at the MSU Broad Art Lab, so let's create from the comfort of your own home. Stud... |