MSU Events Calendar |
All day | 4-H Children's Gardens Butterfly School Virtual Tour Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Make a virtual visit to our 2020 "Butterfly School" at the 4-H Children's Gardens at MSU.It's not quite the same as a real visit, but for th... |
MSU Libraries Virtual Art Tour Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) The MSU Libraries seek to provide a welcoming environment for our users. The Libraries' growing art collection provides a more enjoyable atm... |
4-H Children's Gardens Virtual Tour Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Even while you are staying home due to the Covid-19 situation, you can virtually visit the 4-H Children's Garden at |
MSU Museum Virtual Learning and Activity Resources Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Visit for links to MSU Museum resources and great things that other museums are offering right ... |
9:30am | Math Seminar Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom link provided on events page) The speaker of this seminar will be Kazuhiro Hikami from Kyushu University. |
11:00am | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Colloquium Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (101 Biochemistry) This seminar will be about co-production of high-value biomaterials using algae-fungi symbiotic systems, and the speaker will beZhiyan (Rock... |
1:00pm | Online Home Food Preservation Classes Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) Are you thinking about preserving food at home this summer? Please join MSU Extension to learn safe home food preserving methods and valuabl... |
2:00pm | Colossal Black-Hole Eruption Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) NatSci invites you to a virtual event featuring NatSci astronomer G. Mark Voit as he shares his research on massive black holes in the unive... |
2:30pm | Math Seminar Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Link provided on events page) This seminar will be about optimal terminal dimensionality reduction in Euclidean space. The speaker will be Jelani Nelson from UC Berkeley.... |
3:00pm | Sharing your Story: Writing Resumes and Cover Letters Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) Writing professional documents like a resume or cover letter can feel overwhelming; let us help you share your story and qualifications by l... |