MSU Events Calendar |
All day | Sparty Virtual Race Special Events Ready for a fun challenge? Anytime between June 14 - 30, 2020, you can grab your family and join the fun from wherever you are. Whether you ... |
4-H Shooting Sports Quiz Bowl Academic Contest covers safety, risk management, 4-H history, youth development and all discipline areas (shotgun, archery, rifle, hunting skills, mu... |
4-H Children's Gardens Virtual Tour Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Even while you are staying home due to the Covid-19 situation, you can virtually visit the 4-H Children's Garden at |
4-H Children's Gardens Butterfly School Virtual Tour Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Make a virtual visit to our 2020 "Butterfly School" at the 4-H Children's Gardens at MSU.It's not quite the same as a real visit, but for th... |
MSU Museum Virtual Learning and Activity Resources Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) Visit for links to MSU Museum resources and great things that other museums are offering right ... |
MSU Libraries Virtual Art Tour Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...) The MSU Libraries seek to provide a welcoming environment for our users. The Libraries' growing art collection provides a more enjoyable atm... |
2020 Virtual Summer of Service Challenge Student Events Join the 2020 Virtual Summer of Service Challenge today to earn service hours, engage in a variety of service projects, get involved in diff... |
11:30am | National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Online Via Zoom) The speaker of this webinar, "FRIB TA - Dialogues on Nuclear Physics: Reactions at FRIB with heavy nuclei," will be Antonio Moro from Univer... |
12:30pm | Bioethics Public Seminar (online) Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom (online)) Join us for a virtual Bioethics Public Seminar titled "Three kinds of humility that will help during post-pandemic conversations about rebui... |
3:00pm | MUC Peer Mentor Hours Student Events (Zoom) A virtual opportunity for first years and second years at MUC to get to know each other. This is a time where first years can ask second yea... |
6:00pm | Cash Crunch due to COVID-19? Ten Tools to Manage Your Finances Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom) When it comes to financial fears, a sudden loss of income often tops the list of anxieties. Whether you have credit card debt, student loan ... |