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Today is:
Wed, Nov 13, 2024

MSU Events Calendar

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All day MSU Broad Online
Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Visit to explore many online opportunities brought to you by MSU Broad Art Museum. These includ...
Alumni University
Special Events
MSU graduates and friends are invited to attend the annual Alumni University event. This event brings participants together for an educatio...
7:00am Field Crops Virtual Breakfast
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Online via Zoom)
Every Thursday, you can get the latest information from our MSU field crop specialists and educators on the Field Crops Virtual Breakfast. T...
9:30am THATCamp MSU - Digital Humanities Virtual Unconference
Special Events (Online)
DH@MSU puts on an annual Unconference targeted at MSU faculty, staff and students to bring people back together virtually after the summer a...
1:00pm Online Relax Series
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
Join us for four sessions to discuss the issues around strong emotions and how it leads all of us to experience anger and what we can do abo...
2:30pm Math Seminar Series
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom link provided on Seminars page)
Nir Sochen from the University of Tel Aviv will be giving a lecture titled "Unsupervised deep learning of forward and inverse solutions for ...
4:00pm Crafts around the World - North America: Yarn Art
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Online)
These Thursday sessions will introduce youth to some simple cultural traditional crafts from around the world. Journey around three of the s...
9:00pm Studio (in)Process at Home
Public Programs (Facebook Live)
We're bringing Studio (in)Process to you! We miss getting together and making art on Thursday nights at the MSU Broad Art Lab, so let's crea...