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Today is:
Sat, Feb 8, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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10:00am Virtual Science on a Sphere: Life Without Sunlight
Public Programs (Zoom)
What's living at the bottom of the ocean? Explore the world's oceans, take part in hands-on demonstrations, and create a model deep-sea anim...
10:20am Statistics Seminars
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Online via Zoom)
Yuting Wei from Carnegie Mellon University will be speaking. The presentation is titled "Reliable hypothesis testing paradigms in high di...
12:00pm Plant Research Lab Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Online via Zoom)
Yang-Tsung Lin from the Benning Lab will be presenting. The subject is "Mis-regulation of the transcriptome in a Chlamydomonas mutant dur...
1:30pm High Energy Physics Seminar
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom link provided on Seminars page)
High Energy Physics seminars are presented at 1:30pm on Tuesdays. All speakers will be online through zoom. Fabio Maltoni from Louvain...
2:30pm Sigma Sigma Phi Gleaner's Food Bank Volunteer Event
Student Events (Madison Heights, MI)

2:50pm Math Seminar Series
Conferences / Seminars / Lectures (Zoom link provided on Math Seminars page)
Geometry and Topology Josh Wang from Harvard will be speaking. The title is "Floer and Khovanov homologies of band sums." This is a...
3:30pm Make a 3D Model with Photogrammetry
Training (Online)
Photogrammetry is an easy versatile method for creating 3D models from real world objects that requires only a camera and software, so no sc...
7:00pm Virtual Screening and Discussion: They Ain't Ready For Me Yet (2020) Post-film discussion led by by
Movie / Film (Zoom)
A link to the movie will be sent a week before the discussion. The film is the story of Tamar Manasseh, the African American rabbinical stu...
7:00pm Muslim Journeys: What the Eyes Don't See by Mona Hanna-Attisha
Special Events (Online)
This event will include a short lecture from Dr. Stephen Gasteyer (Department of Sociology), followed by small group discussions of the book...