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Center for Statistical Training & Consulting Workshop: Multi-Dimensional Scaling  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Would you like to draw pictures of your data, in ways that reveal structures that are not obvious from inspection of the data values, alone? Multidimensional scaling (MDS) tries to accomplish exactly that objective. To be more precise, MDS produces a "map" of stimuli, based upon information about the "proximities" among those stimuli.

MDS methods have many potential applications in empirical research. They can be used to: simplify the contents of large, complex datasets; model similarities among sets of objects; estimate the cognitive structures underlying survey responses; and optimize the measurement characteristics of qualitative observations. MDS can be generalized to show individual differences across distinct data sources (e.g., subsets of survey respondents or data collected at different time points). It also can be adapted to represent respondent preferences among a set of stimuli (so-called "ideal points" models).

Specific topics to be covered in the short course include: The basic idea of MDS; the general estimation procedure; interpretation of results; different varieties of MDS; and software options for performing MDS analyses. These lectures are intended for a general audience. They do not assume any prior experience with MDS or familiarity with advanced statistical methods.

The workshop is presented by Dr. William Jacoby. Registration begins January 11, 2010. Please visit to register.

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Location: 106B Wells Hall [map]
Price: Free to Graduate Students, Faculty and Research Staff
Sponsor: public
Contact: Brian Silver
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phone pic 517-353-9288