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LBGTQ Campus Climate Student Symposium  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

In Fall 2009, the MSU community was given the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive survey of climate for lesbian, bisexual, gay & transgender people on our campus. 1,057 surveys were collected from students, faculty, & staff. Dr. Susan Rankin of Penn State University, nationally regarded for her research on LBGTQ campus climate, is the consultant on this project. Dr. Rankin will discuss results at the MSU LBGT Climate Symposiums.

The study is the result of a collaboration between GLFSA (GLBT Faculty, Staff and Graduate Student Association), the Center for Gender in Global Context (LBGTQ Studies Task Force), the LBGT Resource Center, and student representatives from LBGT campus organizations. Funding for the study and related initiatives is provided by a grant from the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives.

This event is open to all, but is student-focused.

Location: MSU Union- Lake Huron Room [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: LBGT Resource Center
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phone pic (517) 353-9520