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Governing Population, Malaria, and Killer Mosquitoes: Early Developments in Turkish Public Health  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

CASID/GenCen Friday Forum presented by Kyle T. Evered & Emine O. Evered, Department of Geography & Department of History.

"In the early Turkish republic of the 1920s, population was a central question of concern for the Kemalist state as its leadership dealt with not merely its geopolitical or nationalistic dimensions but also contemplated its economic consequence. In this context, state responses to socio-political matters such as public health revealed themselves to be entirely consistent with critical theories of governance and political economy. This presentation focuses on how a demographic discourse concerning population--in terms both numeric and medical--provided a basis for emerging programs in public health and confronting the very real threats posed by disease. Employing the example of the nascent republic's anti-malarial campaigns, this study thus examines the discursive, cartographic, and legislative measures employed in combating this prevalent disease in wider contexts of nation-building. In doing so, it traces one vital trajectory of the development of governmentality (i.e., public health) in the case of Turkey from the 1920s through the post-war era when infusions of foreign aid and the incorporation of DDT altered substantially the means of confronting malaria, but not the population.In the early Turkish republic of the 1920s, population was a central question of concern for the Kemalist state as its leadership dealt with not merely its geopolitical or nationalistic dimensions but also contemplated its economic consequence. In this context, state responses to socio-political matters such as public health revealed themselves to be entirely consistent with critical theories of governance and political economy. This presentation focuses on how a demographic discourse concerning population -- in terms both numeric and medical -- provided a basis for emerging programs in public health and confronting the very real threats posed by disease. Employing the example of the nascent republic's anti-malarial campaigns, this study thus examines the discursive, cartographic, and legislative measures employed in combating this prevalent disease in wider contexts of nation-building. In doing so, it traces one vital trajectory of the development of governmentality (i.e., public health) in the case of Turkey from the 1920s through the post-war era when infusions of foreign aid and the incorporation of DDT altered substantially the means of confronting malaria, but not the population."

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Location: 201 International Center
Price: free
Sponsor: Center for Gender in Global Context
Contact: CASID
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