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Library Environmental Series - Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center...  (Special Events)

Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center: Making Biofuels an Economic Reality.
More than 100 MSU faculty and staff are collaborating with the University of Wisconsin and other partners on the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, a 5-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to do fundamental research on biofuels.
Our focus is on identifying and solving the bottlenecks in converting lignocellulosic materials (agricultural debris, wood, etc.) into liquid transportation fuels (especially ethanol). The research spans identification of plant genes that control cell wall biosynthesis, chemical and enzymatic treatments that release sugars (such as glucose) from plant cell walls, and fermentation of these sugars into fuels (ethanol, but also butanol and diesel substitutes). A major research emphasis, based at the Kellogg Biological Station, explores the economic, agronomic, ecological, and environmental impacts of a future biofuel economy.
Presented by Jonathan Walton, Dept. of Plant Biology and Associate Director of the MSU Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center.

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Location: MSU Main Library, N. Conference Room (W449)
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration