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Tue, Jan 14, 2025

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International Essay Contest Deadline: Today@5pm  (International Events (Study Abroad, ...))

The purpose of this Essay Contest is to build mutual respect through empathy and, using the American idiom, "to walk a mile in another person's shoes" (experiencing something from someone else's point of view). By writing your story, you have an opportunity to help your fellow students and people in the greater Lansing community walk a mile in your shoes so they can better know, feel and appreciate what it is like for you, personally, to be an international student at MSU at this time. We invite you to share some of your experiences, encounters across cultures (good and not-so-good), insights, thoughts and emotions during the period of your stay at MSU.

For the essay topic and writing prompts, visit our website

For application and deadline, visit our website

more information...

Price: free
Sponsor: Office for International Students and Scholars
Contact: email pic
phone pic (517) 353-1720