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FLAS Fellowships: For the Study of Asia  (Special Events)

The Asian Studies Center at MSU awards undergraduate and graduate fellowships under the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program of the U.S Department of Education for students pursuing study of Asia.The FLAS Fellowship program is designed to meet critical needs for specialists in American education, government, and other services of a public and/or professional nature who will utilize their skills in training others and in developing throughout the U.S a wider knowledge and understanding of other countries and cultures. Asian Studies FLAS Fellowships are awarded to students enrolled in programs combining the study of a modern foreign language with advanced training and research in an academic or professional area with an Asia focus.

FLAS Fellowships come with tuition and a stipend.

Applications for Academic year 2011-2012 Fellowhips are due February 2, 2011.

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Location: Asian Studies Center
Price: free
Sponsor: Asian Studies Center