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Thu, Jan 23, 2025

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Community Forum on the Disasters in Japan  (International Events (Study Abroad, ...))

Dear Members of the MSU Community,

We are all saddened by the tragic loss of life due to the earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan last Friday, and remain extremely concerned by the humanitarian and nuclear power plant crises which are still ongoing.

In order to try to provide more information to members of the MSU and mid-Michigan communities, we are organizing a forum which will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23rd, in room 303 of the MSU International Center. Panelists will offer brief remarks on topics including the earthquake, media coverage, the nuclear power plants, and more. After their presentations, there will be time for questions.

Not all of the plans are finalized yet, but expected panelists include:

Dr. Kazuya Fujita, Professor of Earthquake Seismology, Global Tectonics, and Earth Science Education (MSU)

Dr. James Trosko, Professor of Pediatrics and Human Development (MSU)

Dr. Ethan Segal, Associate Professor of Japanese History (MSU)

Deputy Consul General Midori Takeuchi of the Japanese Consulate in Detroit

The event is sponsored by the MSU Asian Studies Center. It is free and open to the public. For questions or more information, please contact the Asian Studies Center at 517-353-1680 (email or Professor Ethan Segal at 517-432-8222 ext. 132 (email

Location: 303 International Center, MSU [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: Asian Studies Center
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phone pic (517) 353-1680