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Symposium on Transcriptional Dynamics, Evolution, and Systems Biology  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

MSU is hosting the biannual Summer Symposium on Transcriptional Dynamics, Evolution, and Systems Biology in East Lansing, Michigan, July 22 − 24, 2011. The symposium will cover three major areas of intersection between computational biology and modeling interface with transcriptional control. The first topic is the potential for molecular dynamics simulation to extend the understanding of x-ray crystal structures of multi-subunit RNA polymerases, which are among the largest and most dynamic enzymes known. The second is the systems biology of transcriptional and gene regulation networks. The final topic is the evolution and development of gene regulatory networks.

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Location: Kellogg Center [map]
Price: $75+
Sponsor: BMB
Contact: Helen Geiger
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phone pic (517) 432-9895