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Dinosaur CSI: Who or What Murdered the Dinosaurs?  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

In conjunction with National Fossil Day, "Dinosaur CSI: Who or What Murdered the Dinosaurs?" will be presented by Ralph E. Taggart, professor in the departments of Geological Sciences and Plant Biology at MSU.

Taggart's passion is the reconstruction of ancient environments, weaving fossil studies into realistic snapshots of ancient worlds and the plants and animals that lived in them. One of his favorite case studies involves dinosaurs: these always-captivating creatures dominated life on land for over 150 million years, yet 66 million years ago, all of them, except for birds, disappeared. For many, the obvious suspect in this dinosaur homicide is an asteroid that collided with the Earth at just that time, but murder investigations are rarely that simple. Taggart will take visitors through a network of clues that reveal some totally unexpected "partners in crime".

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Location: MSU Museum - Auditorium [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: email pic
phone pic 517-355-2370