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Today is:
Thu, Jan 16, 2025

MSU Events Calendar

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What would Martin Luther King Jr. Do?  (Special Events)

Join us on January 19th, 6-7:30pm, in Snyder Hall C201 and C203 for a dialogue about MSU, national, and global issues through the eyes of historical figures.

There is a Chinese proverb that says 'May [you] live in interesting times.' 2011 was certainly an
interesting year at MSU and around the country. The Honors College and the Residential College in the Arts & Humanities invite you to attend an interactive session with some of the campus' faculty and student leaders to discuss current issues via the lives and perspectives of enduring figures in the social justice landscape. All are welcome!

What would Dr. King do? - Presentation by Dr. Lee June,
Honors College and Department of Psychology

What would Malcolm X do? - Presentation by Dr. Austin Jackson,
Residential College in the Arts & Humanities

What would Gandhi do? - Presentation by Act for Justice, educational theatre troupe
There will be an optional dinner in "Mason" Seminar room (in Phillips Hall 1st floor) from 5-6pm. Meal
tickets will be provided to participants who do not have a meal plan; seats are limited.
RSVP (only needed for dinner) to honors

Location: Snyder Hall [map]
Price: Free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Gabe Dunbar
email pic
phone pic (517) 355-2326