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Today is:
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

MSU Events Calendar

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DePue Brothers Band concert  (Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...))

About the Band:
For those not familiar with this musical iconic family from northwest Ohio (Bowling Green, to be exact) one is in for an ear-bending revelation. These four violinist brothers encompass a vivid blend of bluegrass, classical, and rock genres.

Each brother is a classical virtuoso in his own right, and brings rich and diverse talents to their sound. As a family they have been making music together for over 25 years. They were named "Musical Family of America" in 1989 by presidential decree, were the subject of a nationally televised PBS documentary in 1993, and two brothers (Jason and Zach) were featured in the film documentary Music From the Inside Out in 2005. Their first album as brothers, Classical Grass, sold out of its first printing.

Additional Events
Entrepreneurship in Music meeting
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Hart Recital Hall, Music Building
333 W. Circle Drive, MSU Campus

Informal music session
12:30-1:30 p.m.
C20 Snyder Hall, terrace level (RCAH Theatre)
362 Bogue Street, MSU Campus
RCAH Old-Time Music Group will join DePue Brothers Band

All three events are free and open to the public

Location: Residential College in the Arts and Humanities Theatre, terrace level of Snyder Hall, 362 Bogue Stre [map]
Price: Free and open to the public
Sponsor: College of Music
Contact: email pic