Thursday, November 29, 2012
8:00am to 9:00am
When Doing Less is Best: Using Evidence to Protect Patients and Increase Value by Eliminating Well-
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Presented by:Steve Williams, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Michigan State University
At the end of the activity (presentation), the participants will be better able to:1.Develop more confidence in using clinical patterns to make accurate diagnoses and effective treatment decisions; 2.Will be able to recognize if diagnostic tests will truly help decide what to do in a particular situation and whether any test really is necessary; 3. Will be able to recognize what harms might be caused by ordering a test; 4 .Will be able to recognize what treatment is really necessary; whether or not what has been taught and doing now is correct; what will happen if nothing is done and what harms might be caused by prescribing a treatment; and 5.Continuously reshape and trim his/her practice behavior as new evidence comes to light; determine if more can be accomplished with less.