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"Autoimmune System" in the LookOut! Gallery
(Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...))
From Monday, October 29, through Friday, November 16, the LookOut! Gallery at the RCAH will be featuring Will Wilson's "Autoimmune System," a collection of contemporary photos that engage the historical relationship of photography to the colonization of Native North Americans as a tool for decolonization. The LookOut! Gallery is open 12 to 3 p.m., Mondays through Friday.
William (Will) Wilson is a Diné photographer who spent his formative years living in the Navajo Nation. Born in San Francisco in 1969, Wilson's complex and nuanced oeuvre fully developed while studying photography at The University of New Mexico (MFA, writing a dissertation on the photography of Milton S. Snow), as well as during his undergraduate studies at Oberlin College. In 2007, Wilson won the Native American Fine Art Fellowship from the Eiteljorg Museum and in 2010 was awarded a prestigious grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation.
Wilson is also an educator and has held visiting professorships at the Institute of American Indian Arts, Oberlin College, and the University of Arizona. Recentlly, Wilson managed The National Vision Project, a Ford Foundation funded initiative at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in Santa Fe, NM, has been an important advisor in the development and implementation of the NMArts/Navajo Nation TIME 2012 collaboration and is part of the Science and Art Research Collaborative, a group based at the Santa Fe Institute. more information...