Sing-along Messiah
(Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...))
Sponsored by the MSU Choral Society
$10 at the door. Singers are encouraged to bring their own scores, but scores will also be on sale at the door for $8. All proceeds benefit the MSU Choral Society, which provides scholarship funds for graduate students in choral conducting.
The public is invited to attend and participate as singers or audience members. Singers will be led by members of the MSU Choral Union with Director of Choral Programs David Rayl conducting.
The sing-along will feature all the best known choruses from Handel's Messiah, including "And the Glory of the Lord," "For Unto Us a Child Is Born," "O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion," and the famous "Hallelujah" Chorus. Arias will be sung by vocal arts students from the College of Music. Pianist Judy Kabodian will be the accompanist.
For additional information, contact David Rayl at musgrad@msu.edu or (517) 353-9122.