Tuesday, January 22, 2013
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Beyond the Facsimile: Early English Books Online (EEBO) and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP)
Speaker: Rebecca Welzenbach, EEBO-TCP Outreach Librarian, University of Michigan
Interested in the early modern period? Need to find and use early printed books? Curious about the history of books and printing? Digital humanities? Open access issues?
Join us for an interactive discussion and demonstration of Early English Books Online-Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP). This digital resource, available through the MSU Libraries' web site, contains complete, searchable electronic text for more than 40,000 English books printed between 1473 and 1700. The session will include:
Demonstration of and opportunity to experiment with EEBO
Explanation of how the University of Michigan's Text Creation Partnership (TCP) is enhancing EEBO, Eighteenth-Century Collections Online (ECCO) and Evans Early American Imprints by creating accurate, searchable electronic text to go along with the facsimiles available in these databases. The unique rights/access situation resulting from this partnership between commercial publishers and libraries will also be addressed.
This event will be of interest to scholars who want to:
Become more adept at searching English Books Online (EEBO)
Engage with early modern primary sources
Understand how the Text Creation Partnership (TCP) makes EEBO more useful and powerful
Learn how EEBO-TCP, Evans-TCP and ECCO-TCP can enhance your research and teaching