
12:00pm to 1:00pm
MICHAEL WANG, MD/PhD - Associate Professor of Neurology, U of M, Ann Arbor, MI
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
HOST: Anne Dorrance
Small vessel disease (SVD) of the brain occurs in up to half of the population by the age of 65. Emerging evidence supports SVD as an important risk factor in the development of stroke, dementia, and Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, the mechanisms behind this neurological risk factor remain obscure, and there are no treatments for SVD. Our studies focus on the inherited disorder CADASIL, which results in early onset and severe SVD. CADASIL is caused by mutations in NOTCH3. We will describe investigations that have revealed new clearance pathways for the NOTCH3 protein and novel NOTCH3 binding proteins. Elucidation of molecules governing NOTCH3 biology may reveal possible treatment strategies and uncover core pathways that lead to SVD.
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