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Wed, Jan 15, 2025

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Welcome to the Maya World of Fine Book Arts  (International Events (Study Abroad, ...))

The Meso-American Publisher of fine limited-edition hand-made books presents and demonstrates the production techniques and elaboration of the edition of the textile designs titled "U CAYIBAL ATZIAK Images in Guatemalan Weavings. To be donated to the collections of Michigan State University Libraries. The edition is a comprehensive catalogue of textile designs written by Dr. Italo Morales which contains over three hundred hand letter press printed and illuminated zinc plate impressions bound in Guatemalan calf skin and traditional back strap woven textile. Endpapers of petate woven hand-made amate bark paper. Each book has hand-sewn silk head bands a technique to be demonstrated. Slip case of petate woven hand-made amate bark paper and Guatemalan calf skin.
The production process will be presented of the hand-made amate bark paper. This was the paper used by the pre-conquest Maya in the elaboration of the codex.
Felipe Bucu will demonstrate the process of petate woven amate bark paper which is based on the petate woven mattes sacred to the Maya and still in production in the Aldea Santiago Zamora.
Light refreshments will be served.

Location: Main Library, W449 (4th Floor, West Wing) [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: Holly Flynn
email pic
phone pic 517-884-0901